Submission Guideline

ICT2025 Call for Proposals

The Organizing Committee of the 17th International Congress of Toxicology (ICT2025)cordially invites scientists and experts in toxicology and related fields to submit proposals for ICT2025 scientific program. The submission guidelines for proposals are as follows:



The symposium sessions will cover a wide range of topics and provide an unparalleled platform for Congress participates to discuss cutting-edge knowledge, new findings and achievements in toxicology sciences, issues and trends concerning human health and environment safety, new and emerging technologies and their application in toxicology. A standard session is 120 minutes in length. Areas of focus and topics of symposium sessions may include, but not limited to the followings:

Environmental toxicology, nanotoxicology, clinical toxicology, epigenetic toxicology, biochemical and molecular toxicology, industrial toxicology and chemical injury, analytical toxicology, genotoxicity and carcinogenicity assessment, heavy metal toxicity and related diseases, computational toxicology, modeling and simulation in toxicology and disease, target organ toxicities and molecular mechanisms, drug and food safeties and risk assessment, toxicology of herbal and natural medicines, alternative methods in toxicology, 21st Century predictive toxicology, next-generation risk assessment (NGRA), new approach methodologies (NAMs) and application in toxicology, safety assessment for new energy, big data and artificial intelligence, organ-on-a-chip and 3D printing, toxicomics and high throughput analysis, toxicity pathways and adverse outcome pathways, regulation and acceptance, toxicology education, etc.

Proposal Guidelines for Symposium

Please include the following information in your proposal:

1)     Symposium title

2)     The names, emails, and affiliations of the session chair(s)/organizer(s)

3)     An abstract (300 words maximum) in English, describing the focus and content of the symposium. 

4)     A balanced speaker roster with presenters from different sectors and various geographic regions is encouraged.  


Continuing Education Courses

Basic Courses  

The Basic Courses aim to provide students and novices with basic knowledge, technical methods and the latest advances in the field of toxicology.

Advanced Courses

Advanced courses provide an in-depth look at hot topics in toxicology and related fields, focusing on new scientific discoveries and their impact on toxicology, state-of-the-art technologies/new approach methodologies and their application in toxicology.

Proposal Guidelines for Continuing Education Courses

Please include the following information in your proposal:

1)     Course title, duration, the maximum number of participants

2)     The names, emails, and affiliations of the organizer(s) /instructor(s)

3)     A summary (300 words maximum) in English, outlining the content, purpose, and target audience of the course.



The workshops at ICT2025 will primarily focus on science and technologic trends in toxicology and related fields. Through a range of activities such as presentations, Q&A sessions, group discussions, and on-site demonstrations, participants will have the opportunity to learn new concepts and emerging techniques, and acquire skills in operating specific instruments or equipment. Additionally, the workshops may provide participants with the opportunities to learn about and gain a better understanding of toxicology-related career development directions and requirements.

Proposal Guidelines for Workshops

Please include the following information in your proposal:

1)     Workshop title and duration;

2)     The names, emails, and affiliations of the workshop organizer(s) / instructor(s)

3)     A summary (300 words maximum) in English, outlining the content, purpose, and target audience of the workshop.

Submission and review Process:

Proposals should be submitted via email to ICT2025 Scientific Program Committee (SPC) at All the Proposals received will be reviewed by the SPC. The submitter of successful proposals will be notified by email in 2024.

We look forward to your participation in the ICT2025! 

Click here to download the Blank Form for Submission

Submit via email to by May 31, 2024

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact:

Dr. Qian Bian, Dr. Huan Meng, vice-secretary general of CST, at

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Important Dates